We live in a world where we are encouraged by large companies to protect the environment by recycling and reusing, Tescos has plastic bag recycling bins, Co-op doesn't give out bags unless you ask for one, their cash machines always ask if you want a receipt and give a warning about the environment, most supermarkets sell heavy duty, reusable carrier bags. Now I think this is excellent and we should all do all we can to help with this cause. So why I just have to ask is first bus company giving out useless paper tickets to people with bus passes!!! They have never done this before as far as I am aware, so why start just when everyone else is becoming more aware. Is this now a permanent thing on the buses or was it just this one driver that i saw today that was giving out tickets to bus pass holders????
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Thursday, 15 May 2008
recurrent premonition dreams
In my lifetime I believe that I have had two, maybe three, premonition type dreams. And even stranger they were both recurrent. The first was when was about 13 so I was never that sure whether it really was a premonition or not.
It was about a giant tortoise roaming around Worcester, causing general
Second premonitioning dream was about a place that I would go and work at. I had this one at about the age of 19. I don't remember it as clearly as the last one but, it starts with me running around this, quite big, building in the dark, in absolute driving rain, thunder and lightening, and I was carrying a baby boy, just days old. I am running from a monster, something a little like the incredible hulk perhaps with a weapon of some description, i think an axe or spade. So anyway I'm running around, trying to keep me and the baby safe when I come across a patio door which isn't locked. I go in draw the curtains and give the baby to an old lady sat in a chair in this room we got into. I think the monster thing went past the room then the dream ends. It wasn't exactly the same each time which is probably why it isn't quite as clear. The building I was running around in the dream is the residential home for the elderly, that I went on to work at, which is why, maybe, there was an old lady sat in the room, and the room was exactly like one of the rooms in this home, I could almost be sure that it was the same lady that actually lived there in real life. I had this dream more than 3 times it used to wake me sometime before the end, I was terrified throughout the dream and it never got any less scary.
I have lots of dreams about babies, even before I had children. I dream about people having children when they really shouldn't because the aren't fit to look after them, I dreamt once about having a baby girl and I couldn't remember what name I had given her. Katie was one I thought of in the dream, my daughters middle name is Katie. It just means I like the name Katie.

mayhem and destruction. Everyone was terrified of it and would hide when they heard it coming. It was about the size of a house. So one day my mum, sister, aunt and myself were sat playing monopoly on he floor beneath the window in the front sitting room or a house that I didn't recognise, when this tortoise comes past and stops right outside the house. At that time I was walking across the room and was terrified that they had seen me. I hid behind a door and watched it. The strangest thing happened, a hatch on the top of the tortoises shell opened and two men climbed out and said " Damn it, we ran out of petrol" at which point the tortoise seemed to shrink to half its original size. And that was the end o the dream. I dreamt this 3 times, shortly after we moved to a new house and it was the house from the dream. How weird is that???

The third one I mentioned was about the birth of my son, and I'm not entirely sure it was a premonition. I just dreamt that I had a baby boy that was born four weeks prematurely and that I ran away from the hospital with him. The only similarity being, that when I did have my first child it was a boy and he was four weeks early.

As these dreams are the most memerable I thought I would share them and now I am off dream some more. I wonder if anyone else has premonition dreams and why mine were in nightmare form?????
Tonight I shall
of cookies and
Tonight I shall
of sailing
Tonight I shall dream
of a world that's
Tonight I shall
of the things I
Tonight I shall
of all things nice and
I don't want to be
by a terrible
Ooops, nearly forgot, bacon fact no.
88.4% of the population bought bacon
rashers in 2007, that’s 21.8 million
Friday, 9 May 2008
"Bringing home the bacon"
o To bring home the bacon – there are several possible origins to this
saying. One goes back almost a thousand years to the Essex village
of Dunmow where, it is said, in AD 1111 a noble woman offered a
prize of a side of bacon, known locally as a flitch, to any man from
anywhere in England who could honestly say that he had had
complete marital harmony for the preceding year and a day. In over
500 years there were only eight winners!
An alternative explanation comes from the ancient sport of catching a
greased pig at country fairs. The winner kept the pig and ‘brought
home the bacon’
saying. One goes back almost a thousand years to the Essex village
of Dunmow where, it is said, in AD 1111 a noble woman offered a
prize of a side of bacon, known locally as a flitch, to any man from
anywhere in England who could honestly say that he had had
complete marital harmony for the preceding year and a day. In over
500 years there were only eight winners!
An alternative explanation comes from the ancient sport of catching a
greased pig at country fairs. The winner kept the pig and ‘brought
home the bacon’
This is for the people who want to know about bacon (I came across a certain someone today). With every post, for the next week or two, I am going to give you a fact about British bacon. But the problem is where to start, I've found loads already.
British bacon fact no.1
Bacon psychology
· As bacon is so substantial it brings a distinct advantage to meals. Due to its
intense taste and rich, distinct flavour, it persuades us through messages sent to
the brain by the mouth and taste buds, that we have eaten more than we really
intense taste and rich, distinct flavour, it persuades us through messages sent to
the brain by the mouth and taste buds, that we have eaten more than we really
Did you even know such a thing as bacon psychology existed?
Please see the related poll to this picture (especially you!) I answered sometimes.
Is the boredom showing?
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." Doug Larson
Good night, and here's a question for you;
Will your answer to this question be no?
please answer in the comments box, nighty night. xx
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Millenium Falcons??

As they nested there last year too there is a web cam set up so you can see them and the chicks. The council and RSPB set this up and there are volunteers there most days with a TV hooked up to the web cam etc. I have to say, I am impressed that effort has gone into this and it has given my children the chance to see them which encourages them to learn about them also.
Well I dreamt about them last night, it was awful, I dreamt seagulls were attacking the nest and the chicks, but I think that I was one of the seagulls, I'm not sure though. I may
of been one of the falcons protecting the nest but I was definitely a bird of some description. I have never been another creature in my dreams before, it was weird.
Here are a couple of quotes to go along with a birdy theme:
"No bird ever...raced 15 miles high at triple the speed of sound. But birds do something else. They do not conquer the air; they romance it."
— Peter Garrison
(1943-) U.S. aviator and columnist
— Peter Garrison
(1943-) U.S. aviator and columnist
Source: The Marriage and Hell
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
I wish
I wish I wasn't so tired,
first thing in the morning,
I wish I had more patience
and more time for important things.
I wish that I could sleep,
and dream of being wish free.
I wish that life was easier,
and that help was near to me.
I wish to rid this feeling
of overwhelming despair.
I wish that I had someone,
to hold me and to care.
But today
I wish,
that i hadn't caught the sun
This is a little of how I felt today, I wrote it myself, it's my first attempt at writing anything of any sort.
I did have an awful feeling of despair this morning, where I felt so ill equipped to be a parent, I so need help sometimes. But as the day went on and the sun shone I gradually felt happier. And got very burnt!! But what a relief to have some just, lovely weather at long last.
I had an odd dream last night. A man who claimed to be next doors' brother was in my house having a nap, then he was taking my dog for a walk, and I was supposed to go too, but then our children came into the dream so he made a cup of tea, all the time in my house, but not the house I live in, I didn't recognise it at all, anyway, I was just about to find out what his name was, and I woke up, Grrrr!
That's the most annoying thing about my dreams, I always seem to wake at the most inopportune times.
The dream made me feel kind of invaded, but not at all threatened, it was a bit like finding an old friend or something, I had mixed feelings about it, as just finding someone in my house raises a few relevant worries for me.
My leaving thought today:
Wherever people go,
whatever they may invent,
they will never discover
anything better
than a family.
-Paul Gauguin

first thing in the morning,
I wish I had more patience
and more time for important things.
I wish that I could sleep,
and dream of being wish free.
I wish that life was easier,
and that help was near to me.
I wish to rid this feeling
of overwhelming despair.
I wish that I had someone,
to hold me and to care.
But today
I wish,
that i hadn't caught the sun
This is a little of how I felt today, I wrote it myself, it's my first attempt at writing anything of any sort.
I did have an awful feeling of despair this morning, where I felt so ill equipped to be a parent, I so need help sometimes. But as the day went on and the sun shone I gradually felt happier. And got very burnt!! But what a relief to have some just, lovely weather at long last.
I had an odd dream last night. A man who claimed to be next doors' brother was in my house having a nap, then he was taking my dog for a walk, and I was supposed to go too, but then our children came into the dream so he made a cup of tea, all the time in my house, but not the house I live in, I didn't recognise it at all, anyway, I was just about to find out what his name was, and I woke up, Grrrr!
That's the most annoying thing about my dreams, I always seem to wake at the most inopportune times.
The dream made me feel kind of invaded, but not at all threatened, it was a bit like finding an old friend or something, I had mixed feelings about it, as just finding someone in my house raises a few relevant worries for me.
My leaving thought today:
Wherever people go,
whatever they may invent,
they will never discover
anything better
than a family.
-Paul Gauguin
Monday, 5 May 2008
The life of a cat

I am physically and emotionally worn out, and today I wished I was a cat, so I could curl up on a nice warm sunny spot at the window. Actually I wish that quite alot.
Why do ex's want to be friends? Why do they think I want to be? when they did the hurting, guilt? perhaps, or some odd control freak thing? There is always something he has to call or text for, then the new girlfriend has things to say too, and then everyone else. I don't really understand it and I wish I did so I could stop it. It's not even that they upset or anger me, it's like I am over it, but they don't want me to be.
Just a few thoughts on ex's.
And in answer to Simon's most recent blog, I think that in time you could reclaim the things you shared back as your own, but it will take a long time. And he is right it does feel like they were stolen.
The life of a cat would be so much more simple.
last thought before I go to sleep:
I am a woman
I am invincible
I am tired
from the book Born to Shop, in praise of the modern woman.
Saturday, 3 May 2008
The end of a rough time
I am back
stuck in the middle of nowhere
i was this lost sailor
attempting to repair my broken ship
yet trying to sail away at the same time
going nowhere
spending far more(time) than i should be
i was confused
happiness was a thing of the past
sadness written all over the present
future was engulfed in darkness
treasure hunter i was
with the keys to riches (happiness)
safely in my hand
i was marching towards glory
only to trip and stumble at the last hurdle
only to lose it all like a zombie
i moved in and out of life
going everywhere
being nowhere
i was trying to find my feet once again
like magic
i woke up one day and found the keys
safely inside my pocket
gone are the times searching for it everywhere
gone are the days i spent wandering aimlessly
now, like a phoenix rising out of ashes
i was this sailor who salvaged a brand new speed boat
all ready and raring to go out into this open ocean (of life)
to reclaim what was once thought to be lost
the sun had set and plunged my life into darkness
without a light to guide, i wandered aimlessly
going nowhere, yet going everywhere
now, the sun is back
with the keys in my hand
like a giant condor
i soar high up in the skies
ready to take on the world
like a banished king with a new army
wanting to reclaim my throne
i am back to be the best
i am back to lead the rest
————————By: Praveen 2008/04/07 Life Trackback Comments [RSS 2.0]
I found this poem and really felt a connection to the words. It is nice, a relief even, to know that someone else has felt the same as me at some point. It is perhaps coincidental that I would come accross this at the same time as I had just started to "see the light at the end of the tunnell" for want of better words.
It was like I woke one day and wasn't sad anymore, and I it amazes me that it happened, just like that. This poem helped me I think, and I am glad that someone could put it into words.
Hope it will help someone else too.
I found it on:
There is alot of nice stuff there I related to quite a bit of the work. There is a poem called
"be the best" under friendship poems, which I also love.
stuck in the middle of nowhere
i was this lost sailor
attempting to repair my broken ship
yet trying to sail away at the same time
going nowhere
spending far more(time) than i should be
i was confused
happiness was a thing of the past
sadness written all over the present
future was engulfed in darkness
treasure hunter i was
with the keys to riches (happiness)
safely in my hand
i was marching towards glory
only to trip and stumble at the last hurdle
only to lose it all like a zombie
i moved in and out of life
going everywhere
being nowhere
i was trying to find my feet once again
like magic
i woke up one day and found the keys
safely inside my pocket
gone are the times searching for it everywhere
gone are the days i spent wandering aimlessly
now, like a phoenix rising out of ashes
i was this sailor who salvaged a brand new speed boat
all ready and raring to go out into this open ocean (of life)
to reclaim what was once thought to be lost
the sun had set and plunged my life into darkness
without a light to guide, i wandered aimlessly
going nowhere, yet going everywhere
now, the sun is back
with the keys in my hand
like a giant condor
i soar high up in the skies
ready to take on the world
like a banished king with a new army
wanting to reclaim my throne
i am back to be the best
i am back to lead the rest
————————By: Praveen 2008/04/07 Life Trackback Comments [RSS 2.0]
I found this poem and really felt a connection to the words. It is nice, a relief even, to know that someone else has felt the same as me at some point. It is perhaps coincidental that I would come accross this at the same time as I had just started to "see the light at the end of the tunnell" for want of better words.
It was like I woke one day and wasn't sad anymore, and I it amazes me that it happened, just like that. This poem helped me I think, and I am glad that someone could put it into words.
Hope it will help someone else too.
I found it on:
There is alot of nice stuff there I related to quite a bit of the work. There is a poem called
"be the best" under friendship poems, which I also love.
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