mayhem and destruction. Everyone was terrified of it and would hide when they heard it coming. It was about the size of a house. So one day my mum, sister, aunt and myself were sat playing monopoly on he floor beneath the window in the front sitting room or a house that I didn't recognise, when this tortoise comes past and stops right outside the house. At that time I was walking across the room and was terrified that they had seen me. I hid behind a door and watched it. The strangest thing happened, a hatch on the top of the tortoises shell opened and two men climbed out and said " Damn it, we ran out of petrol" at which point the tortoise seemed to shrink to half its original size. And that was the end o the dream. I dreamt this 3 times, shortly after we moved to a new house and it was the house from the dream. How weird is that???

The third one I mentioned was about the birth of my son, and I'm not entirely sure it was a premonition. I just dreamt that I had a baby boy that was born four weeks prematurely and that I ran away from the hospital with him. The only similarity being, that when I did have my first child it was a boy and he was four weeks early.

As these dreams are the most memerable I thought I would share them and now I am off dream some more. I wonder if anyone else has premonition dreams and why mine were in nightmare form?????
Tonight I shall
of cookies and
Tonight I shall
of sailing
Tonight I shall dream
of a world that's
Tonight I shall
of the things I
Tonight I shall
of all things nice and
I don't want to be
by a terrible
Ooops, nearly forgot, bacon fact no.
88.4% of the population bought bacon
rashers in 2007, that’s 21.8 million
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